Integrated nutrient management (INM) maintains soil fertility and plant nutrient supply to an
optimum level for sustaining the desired crop productivity. INM practice not only maintains soil fertility but also
improve physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. Nutrient build up is also reported due to integrated
nutrient management. Very little information is available regarding changes in the status of different nutrients in soil
as well its season. The present investigation was, therefore conducted to monitor the effect of FYM, Zn and S in
soil as well as its uptake by the growing rice crop due to adoption of integrated nutrient management through
recommended doses of N, P and K fertilizers along with FYM addition as well as S and Zn as a treatment
combinations. Results of the present investigation revealed that irrespective of treatment combinations highest
amount of Zn and S-uptake as well as crude protein, starch and sugar content in rice is recorded in soil treated
combinedly with recommended doses of N, P, K fertilizers alongwith FYM and higher doses of S at 40kg ha-1 and
Zn at 5kg ha-1 treated plots over that of control. Dry matter yield and uptake by rice straw decreased with increase in
the growth of rice. Results show in general more amount of Zn and S are taken up by grain than that of straw of rice