A field experiment was conducted on lentil during Rabi season of 2015 in red and lateritic soils of West
Bengal at the Agricultural Farm of Palli Siksha Bhavana (Institute of Agriculture), Visva-Bharati,
Sriniketan to study the effect of combined application of fertilizer, micronutrients and biofertilizers on
yield, nutrient uptake, soil fertility status along with microbial population in Lentil. The experiment was
laid out in randomized block design. Combined application of inorganic nutrients along with
micronutrients (N15P40K0Zn10.5S8.5Mo1.0B1.0) recorded highest seed yield (6.98 q ha-1), stalk yield (19.53 q
ha-1), biological yield (26.51 q ha-1) and harvest index (26.35%) as compared to inorganically treated
nutrients followed by biofertilizer inoculated treatments. The nitrogen uptake was higher in treatment
consists N15P40K0Zn10.5S8.5Mo1.0B1.0. The phosphorus and potassium uptake was influenced by combined
application of inorganic fertilizers along with biofertilizers (N15P20K20+Rhizobium+PSB). Sulfur uptake
was higher in case of micronutrients treated plots along with sulphur and macronutrients followed by
biofertilizer inoculated treatments. Highest crude protein content and protein yield in seed of lentil was
recorded due to application of sulphur along with micro and macronutrients (N15P40K0Zn21S17Mo2.0). Seed
inoculation of Rhizobium and PSB significantly built up their number in soil.