A field experiment was conducted on rice during kharif season of 2015 to study the effect of combined application of fertilizer,
micronutrients and biofertilizers on yield, nutrient uptake, and soil fertility status along with microbial population in rice. Significantly highest
value of grain yield, straw yield as well as biological yield was obtained with integrated application of fertilizers. Highestvalue of nutrient uptake
was also found in integrated application of fertilizer. Next to the highest value significantly higher value of yield and nutrient uptake was found in
biofertilizers inoculated treatments. The highest value of protein content in rice was due to dual application of Azotobactor and Azospirillium
along with all inorganic fertilizer including NPK followed by N P K S Zn Mo B . Highest population of Azotobacter and Azospirillium was in 80 40 0 10 10.5 1.0 1.0
combined application of biofertilizers inoculated treatments.