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Analysis of Growth and Instability in Pulse Production of Odisha during Rabi Season: A Statistical Modelling Approach

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dc.contributor.author Dash, A
dc.contributor.author Dhakre, D.S
dc.contributor.author Bhattacharya, D
dc.date.accessioned 2022-04-12T10:14:19Z
dc.date.available 2022-04-12T10:14:19Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.uri https://vbudspace.lsdiscovery.in/xmlui/handle/123456789/5431
dc.description.abstract Agriculture in Odisha during rabi season is based mainly on pulse crops. The economic reforms in the 1991-92, affected the agriculture scenario of Odisha following which our study period (1970-71 to 2013-14) has been divided into pre-reform (1970-71 to 1991-92) and post reform (1992-93 to 2013-14) period. Attempts have been taken to make a comparative study of the growth rate and instability of area, production and yield of rabi pulses in the two periods. For studying the growth rate and instability, appropriate model which could best possibly describe the behavior of the phenomenon are fitted by applying spline regression technique with kink or knot placed at the year of transition from pre– reform period to post- reform period which is considered to be 1991-92. The possible spline regression models which could fit very well to the area, production and yield of pulses are identified from the scatter plot of the data. Then by help of residual diagnostics and model fit statistics, the best fit models are obtained. Using the best fit model, average growth rates of area, production and yield are found. Coefficient of variation is used as a measure of instability. The difference in growth rate of area, production and yield from the pre-reform to post –reform period is found to be highly significant but negative in case of area and production, whereas, in case of yield it is negative non-signifiacnt. The difference in coefficient of variation between the two periods is non-significant for area, production and yield of rabi pulses. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Vol.6;No.8
dc.subject Spline regression, Kink, Economic reforms, Growth rate, Instability, Coefficient of variation. en_US
dc.title Analysis of Growth and Instability in Pulse Production of Odisha during Rabi Season: A Statistical Modelling Approach en_US
dc.title.alternative International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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