We propose an alternative physical mechanism to explain the observed accelerated expansion
of the Universe based on the configuration entropy of the cosmic web and its evolution. We
show that the sheets, filaments, and clusters in the cosmic web act as sinks whereas the voids
act as the sources of information. The differential entropy of the cosmic velocity field increases
with time and also acts as a source of entropy. The growth of non-linear structures and the
emergence of the cosmic web may lead to a situation where the overall dissipation rate of
information at the sinks is about to dominate the generation rate of information from the
sources. Consequently, the Universe either requires a dispersal of the overdense non-linear
structures or an accelerated expansion of the underdense voids to prevent a violation of the
second law of thermodynamics. The dispersal of the sheets, filaments, and clusters is not a
viable option due to the attractive nature of gravity but the repulsive and outward peculiar
gravitational acceleration at the voids makes it easier to stretch them at an accelerated rate.
We argue that this accelerated expansion of the voids inside the cosmic web may mimic the
behaviour of dark energy