The present study deals with the investigation of diversity of airborne pollen in the atmosphere of Santiniketan of West Bengal (Eastern part of India) usuing a Burkard personal volumetric sampler for the 2 years period 2014-2015 A total of 66 pollen taxa belonging to 37 angiosperm families and one gosperm have been idenned. Gras pullen alone dominated the airhom pollen unsemblage followed by Cassie sp. A. Schnee Asterace and percese Pollen grus of Casp. Lagerstromie sp. Suthedea componulata Lantana comart, Encup sp, Madsace Lilisce Parthenon Carp Plophonem pencarmen Aree techo und Cathurath me nere al presiminun the air of Santoietan. The anal pollen index (APT) was 77.272 (pollen of air in Sammkem which reflects the rich pollen divers of the famsh-urun spot of West Bengal. The place has the highest and concertions of pollen in April 115024 2014 and 12160m in 2015 in hoh of the shady years. The studies carried out established the act betwem er pelle concentration, meteorological fincters and air quality data (plat) Yearly amations of pollen son codd be related the influence of metrorological factors such as temperature rinfull relative humidity and wind speed which h pristically be relation analysis PM10 and PM 2.5 were found to be mistically significant with all We have multiling the moltivariate regression and und Gememalized Linn Madel predict met duration and prok pole sem to evaluate the threat imposed by the presence of pollen allergens in the air. For this statistical approach, we have comidered the influencing meteorological factory and air pollation data as pradictive variables and plen conta pe variable for 2014 and 2015. The fitted regression equation and goods of fit of the d de with handjusted al 18281) which explaining at 82.1% of the variability for prediction of for future yours. This allogical survey may serve as guide for allergologies to predict and manage the source and the incidence of allergy diseases a local inhabitants