Amoxicillin was given to six nos. of chickens at a dose of 20 mg/Kg of body weight orally. Plasma
concentration was monitored serially for 24 h after oral administration. Concentrations of amoxicillin
were measured using high-performance liquid chromatography. Ka value and t½ Ka were 1.38±0.17 (hr1)
and 0.51±0.07 (hr). On the other hand, elimination rate constant K and elimination half-life t½ K were
found to be 0.18±0.01 (hr-1) and 3.95±0.14 (hr). The AUC and Vdarea values were 257.88±28.01 (μg hrL-
1) and 0.41±0.07 (L Kg-1), while ClB value was 0.07±0.01 (LKg-1hr-1). The Cmax value was 38.87±2.94
(μgml-1) at Tmax 1.50±0.09 (hr). The MRT value was 6.02±1.73 (hr). The results indicated that amoxicillin
persist in poultry bird for a shorter period following moderate absorption from GI tract.