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An Overview on the Ground Water Recharge by Rain Water Harvesting

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dc.contributor.author Kashiwar, Sumedh R
dc.contributor.author Dongarwar, Usha R
dc.contributor.author Mondal, Bijoya
dc.contributor.author Kundu, Manik Chandra
dc.date.accessioned 2022-03-23T07:34:43Z
dc.date.available 2022-03-23T07:34:43Z
dc.date.issued 2016-06
dc.identifier.issn 2394-1561
dc.identifier.issn e-ISSN: 2394-157X
dc.identifier.uri https://vbudspace.lsdiscovery.in/xmlui/handle/123456789/5329
dc.description.abstract Every year in Monsoon our nature gives us our life in the form of rainfall but little beat of it is stored in the soil, damps, lakes etc. and remaining water get wasted in rivers. At the time of rainfall we didn’t even recognize that running water but when the water level of our well’s goes down then we think on it but at that time we can’t do anything so we face water scarcity, only mean to say “When the well is dry, we learn the value of water”. Now days we are reaching to the heights of development and covering all the earth surface by cement and concrete material but we are forgetting that we are closing the route of water to get entered in the earth’s surface and it directly affects on our ground water level and we need face water scarcity. If this condition goes on then our new generation will face a high water problems for drinking and Agriculture purpose. Till about thirty years back, the areas around our homes and offices used to be unpaved and the rain falling on these areas would percolate into the soil and remain there for being drawn through shallow open wells. With the proliferation of flat complexes, not only have these areas been avid and percolation of rainwater into the soil almost totally stopped, the quantity of water drawn from the soil below has increased manifold. Consequently open wells and not - so - deep bore wells started drying up. The reason is that no sincere attempt is made to replenish the ground water table with rainwater during the monsoon. The Rainwater harvesting is the simple collection or storing of water through scientific techniques from the areas where the rain falls. It involves utilization of rain water for the domestic or the agricultural purpose. The method of rain water harvesting has been into practice since ancient times. It is as far the best possible way to conserve water and awaken the society towards the importance of water. The method is simple and cost effective too. It is especially beneficial in the areas, which faces the scarcity of water. People usually make complaints about the lack of water. During the monsoons lots of water goes waste into the gutters. And this is when Rain water Harvesting proves to be the most effective way to conserve water. We can collect the rain water into the tanks and prevent it from flowing into drains and being wasted. It is practiced on the large scale in the metropolitan cities. Rain water harvesting comprises of storage of water and water recharging through thetechnical process en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Vol.3;No.2
dc.subject Rain water, Harvesting, Running water en_US
dc.title An Overview on the Ground Water Recharge by Rain Water Harvesting en_US
dc.title.alternative Journal of Energy Research and Environmental Technology (JERET) en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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