A field experiment was ronrluetcd during th* gsr*
se:rmu af 2$I3-1.1s* zubrhum*d r*trtropieai lateritic
belt af Agrir:ultural farm, palli Sikrfus Sharaui*
(lnstitufe of Agricuttxre) *t yisva-Bh*rati,
Srinikelan* trndia f<l te*t the etk*t *lf slitferent r*ee*I
nrarmgernent practices in Srrrr r.ic* culfi,-aficn- lIerl,d
n'eeding at 20 an<l {* DAI rcxir.dted in the h* rsr weed
density (no. mi), dry teight ofrveeds (g m-r), highest
WCE, growth attritruteso yield components antl
produrtivity of boro rice culfivation. application of
Bispyribac soclium @ ZS g a.i.lha at 20 DAT ('I,),
Bispvribac sodium @ 50 g a.i.iha at 2$ DAT (Tr) and
application of Butachlor(rl l kg a.i./ ha at j DAT +
hand weediug at 2$ nAT {if_) rverc essentiat fnr
impnxing ils growth att-ritrute" y,ield rrxuponerts and
produr:tivi** drc lesser influeme of'xred infestation
in ter:ms of weetl;xrpultrtiom and dry.tr.e*ght t{ighest
net refurn and rctrr!-n iler rtpee inresterl ssticed when
x.eeds were reruor.ed h.l Bisp_1.-rihar sadi*m l-41 25 g
a"i./ha iT,) ulmparrd t*atr! tfuetrcat{rsnt$ mrr{*er.s(rx$l