A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2014-15 and 2015-16 at Instructional Farm of
KrishiVigyan Kendra , Umerkote, Nabarangpur ,Odisha to study the effect of dose and source of sulphur on
its yield ,quality and economics of mustard (Brassica camprestris var. toria ) in red soil of Odisha .The
experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications .The results revealed that
significantly highest oil yield (559.3 kg ha-1
) was obtained with 60 kg S ha-1
as single superphosphate, which
was 115.7 % more in comparison to that of control(259.32 kg ha-1
) .Similarly application of 45 kg S ha-1
single superphosphate resulted second highest oil yield (539 kg ha-1
) with advantage of 107.9 % over control.
The oil yield due to application of 45kg and 60 kg S ha -1
as gypsum , 45kg and 60 kg S ha-1
as elemental
sulphur were 91.1, 92.9, 67.6 and 86.7 % higher respectively as against the control . The uptake of sulphur
with application of 45 kg and 60 kg S ha-1
as SSP, 45 kg and 60 kg S ha-1
as gypsum, 45 kg and 60 kg S
as elemental sulphur were 101.0, 107.7, 90.9 ,97.0 ,65.1 and 79.0 % higher over control ( 9.89 kg ha-1
respectively . Application of 60 kg S ha-1
as SSP resulted significantly highest B: C ratio (2.97) which was 106.3
% higher over control.