dc.contributor.author |
dc.contributor.author |
dc.date.accessioned |
2022-02-28T04:55:56Z |
dc.date.available |
2022-02-28T04:55:56Z |
dc.date.issued |
2019-04-25 |
dc.identifier.issn |
08-113 |
dc.identifier.uri |
https://vbudspace.lsdiscovery.in/xmlui/handle/123456789/5217 |
dc.description.abstract |
Field experiment was conducted during Pre-kharif season of 2016 at Agricultural college farm, Palli Siksha Bhavana (Institute
of Agriculture), Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan, Birbhum to study ‘Response of aerobic rice to irrigation and nitrogen management
in red and lateritic soil’. Observation yield attributing character were recorded.The treatments consist of three water management
i.e.I75=Irrigation at 75% of CPE, I100= irrigation at 100% of CPE and I125= irrigation at 125% of CPE at mainplot whereas four
levels of nitrogen i.e.N1
= 100% N through fertilizer, N2
= 75 % N through fertilizer + 2.5 t ha-1 vermicompost, N3
= 50 % N
through fertilizer + 5.0 t ha-1 vermicompost and N4
= 25 % N through fertilizer +7.5 t ha-1 vermicompostin the sub plots.
Irrigation and nitrogen management significantly affected filled grains panicle-1, grain yield, straw yield,1000 grain weight
and harvest index.The highest number of filled grains panicle-1 (110) as recorded in I125 with application of N1
. The highest
grain yield of 3935 kg ha-1 was recorded from crop receiving I125 with N1
nitrogen treatment. Irrigation at I125 with application of
N2 recorded higher (22g) test weight. The highest values were recorded with nitrogen at 100% N through fertilizer and 75 % N
through fertilizer + 2.5 t ha-1 vermicompost and significantly greater than what obtained from other nitrogen treatment and
irrigation management at 100% of CPE and 125% CPE is better over the irrigation at 75% of CPE |
en_US |
dc.language.iso |
en |
en_US |
dc.relation.ispartofseries |
Vol.15;No. 01 |
dc.subject |
Aerobic rice, irrigation, nitrogen and yield |
en_US |
dc.title |
Response of aerobic rice to irrigation and nitrogen management in red and lateritic soil of West Bengal |
en_US |
dc.title.alternative |
Journal of Crop and Weed, |
en_US |
dc.type |
Article |
en_US |