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Hormonally Active Agents: A Menace for Oogenesis and Fertility in Teleosts

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dc.contributor.author Biswas, Subhasri
dc.contributor.author Ghosh, Soumyajyoti
dc.contributor.author Mukherjee, Urmi
dc.contributor.author Samanta, Anwesha
dc.contributor.author Das, Sriparna
dc.contributor.author Maitra, Sudipta
dc.date.accessioned 2021-06-09T06:03:57Z
dc.date.available 2021-06-09T06:03:57Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.isbn 978-981-15-8368-1 (Pbook) 978-981-15-8369-8 (eBook)
dc.identifier.uri https://vbudspace.lsdiscovery.in/xmlui/handle/123456789/479
dc.description https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-8369-8 en_US
dc.description.abstract Oogenesis, an amalgamation of the balanced network of neuroendocrine, endo crine, and autocrine/paracrine factors, is inevitable for the production of fertiliz able female gamete and sustenance of a progeny on earth. In today’s up-to-the minute world, aquatic organisms are exposed to a myriad of environmental anthropogenic contaminants that share structural similarity with natural hormones, putting fish fertility and aquaculture industries at stake. A subset of such endocrine disruptors is the “xenoestrogens” that carry the ability to mimic 17β-estradiol, a natural female hormone, leading to adverse outcomes such as early puberty, premature ovarian failure, and impaired fertility. The present review seeks to elucidate the voyage of a fish oocyte undertaking the endocrine as well as autocrine/paracrine inputs. The effects of EDCs on various ovarian processes have been summarized along with the diverse signaling cascades that might participate to induce significant alterations at the receptor level, steroido genic potential, maturational competence, ovulatory response, or even epigenetics of the ovary. Since reproduction heavily relies on the metabolic state of an organism, the potential influence of endocrine disruptors on oxidative stress and energy homeostasis has also been taken into consideration. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Springer Nature en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries Page No.;283-322
dc.subject Fish oogenesis · Endocrines and autocrines/paracrines · Endocrine disruption and action · Energy homeostasis · Epigenetics · Infertility en_US
dc.title Hormonally Active Agents: A Menace for Oogenesis and Fertility in Teleosts en_US
dc.title.alternative Recent updates in molecular Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology of Fish: An Imperative step in Aquaculture en_US
dc.title.alternative Editors: Jitendra Kumar Sundaray, Mohd Ashraf Rather, Sujit Kumar, Deepak Agarwa en_US
dc.type Book chapter en_US

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