The absorption features of a probe field propagating through a six-level inverted-Y type atomic system in
presence of two additional coherent fields are investigated under both Doppler-free and Doppler-broadened
conditions resembling the 87Rb 5ܵଵ ଶ⁄ → 5ܲଷ ଶ⁄ → 44ܦହ ଶ⁄ (Tr-I) through numerical simulation. A comparative study
in the probe absorption is also made with the 87Rb 5ܵଵ ଶ⁄ → 5ܲଷ ଶ⁄ → 7ܵଵ ଶ⁄ transition (Tr-II). Under thermal
averaging five velocity selective optically pumped absorption peaks (VSOPAP) appear for both the transitions (Tr-I
and Tr-II). An interesting feature noticed in the simulated absorption profile is that under thermal averaging we get
two extra electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) dips for Tr-I compared to Tr-II where only two EIT dips
are noticed.