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Cross-talk between insulin signalling and LPS responses in mouse macrophages

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dc.contributor.author Pal, Soumojit
dc.contributor.author Natha, Poulomi
dc.contributor.author Das, Debabrata
dc.contributor.author Hajra, Sudip
dc.contributor.author Maitra, Sudipta
dc.date.accessioned 2021-06-02T07:06:52Z
dc.date.available 2021-06-02T07:06:52Z
dc.date.issued 2018-11-30
dc.identifier.uri https://vbudspace.lsdiscovery.in/xmlui/handle/123456789/198
dc.description https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mce.2018.04.009 en_US
dc.description.abstract The effect of insulin priming on Il-10 expression, regulation of inflammatory cytokines and participation of intra-cellular signalling events, primarily ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt, has been investigated in high glucose (HG) and/or lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced murine macrophages. Our results demonstrate that congruent with sharp increase in ERK1/2 and CREB phosphorylation, insulin stimulation in vitro promotes significant increase in Il-10 expression in mouse peritoneal macrophage and RAW 264.7 cells, both positive for anti-IRβ. Pharmacological inhibition of MEK/MAPK, but not PI3K/Akt cascade, abrogates CREB phosphorylation and Il-10 synthesis indicating functional relevance of insulin action. Conversely, priming with PI3K inhibitor wortmannin prevents insulin attenuation of HG- and/or LPS-induced p38 MAPK and NF-κB activation, Tnf-α, Il-1β expression as well as NO production. Congruent with reduced Il-10 expression, MEK inhibition abrogates insulin action allowing significant increase in Tlr4 expression and LPS response indicating insulin-induced Il-10 might have pivotal influence in regulation of chronic as well as acute inflammatory response. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Elsevier en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mce.2018.04.009;
dc.relation.ispartofseries page;57-69
dc.subject lipopolysaccharide, intra-cellular signalling, wortmannin, murine macrophages, inflammatory cytokines en_US
dc.title Cross-talk between insulin signalling and LPS responses in mouse macrophages en_US
dc.title.alternative Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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