In this study we have synthesized copper ferrite magnetic nanoparticles, a transition metal based material by wet
chemical method. The nanoparticles are mesoporous in nature and have shown very good catalytic property in
reduction of 4-nitro phenol (4-NP) to 4-amino phenol (4-AP) with high rate constant and low activation energy
value. Detailed characterization of the nanoparticles was done using XRD, EDAX, FTIR, FESEM, TEM, HRTEM,
SAED, BET, VSM and TG/DTA to confirm its structural, morphological, magnetic and thermal properties. We
have shown the reduction of 4-NP to 4-AP by a non-functionalized copper ferrite nano catalyst (CFNC), occurs at
higher rate following first order reaction kinetics in respect of 4-NP, which indicates its high efficiency as catalyst
compared to other catalyst. Because of its magnetic property, it can be easily separated from the reaction mixture
by magnetic separation method after its use as catalyst. It is also shown; this catalyst can be reused many times
without having any significant decay in its catalytic quality. From the applicative point of view, this catalyst may
be useful in industrial application because of its high stability, greater catalytic efficiency and cost effectiveness.