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Browsing by Author "Das, Shaon Kumar"

Browsing by Author "Das, Shaon Kumar"

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  • Das, Shaon Kumar; Ghosh, Goutam Kumar; . Avasthe, R. K (2017)
    The utilization of biochar as an amendment to improve soil health and the environment has been a catalyst for the recent global enthusiasm for advancing biochar production technology and its management. Biochar is ...
  • Das, Shaon Kumar; Ghosh, G. K; Mukherjee, I; Avasthe, R. K (2017)
    Nanotechnology is any engineered materials, structures, systems and process which exist or operate at a scale of 100 nm or less (1 nm=10-9m). With the development of improve systems for monitoring environmental conditions ...
  • Das, Shaon Kumar; Ghosh, Goutam Kumar (2017)
    Biochar acts as a soil conditioner, improving soil physical properties, nutrient use efficiency and thereby increasing plant growth. An experiment was conducted at ICAR-National Organic Farming Research Institute during ...

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